Work related, C/C++ Programming

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Make the following 3 functions work by filling in appropriate C code. This file

// Write a function to count the number of particular characters in a string.
// Do not use any standard library calls.
int CountCharacters(char* String, char Character)
//insert your code here

// 2.
// Write a function that reverses a string without allocating any extra storage.
void ReverseString(char* String)
//insert your code here

// 3.
// Write a function that returns the nth prime number corresponding to the number n passed.
// • Do not worry about overflow. Assume that a long will hold all required values.
// • Optimize for readability and compactness, not speed.
// • Do not use any complex math formulas to calculate it.
// • Do not use any math operators beyond addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
// • I''m looking at your coding ability, not your math ability or your ability to go look up an algorithm on Google.
// Examples:
// GetPrime(1) == 2 // the first prime number is 2
// GetPrime(2) == 3 // the second prime number is 3
// GetPrime(3) == 5 // the third prime number is 5
// GetPrime(4) == 7 // the fourth prime number is 7
// GetPrime(5) == 11 // the fifth prime number is 11
// GetPrime(1000) == 7909 // the thousandth prime number is 7909
long GetPrime(long n)
//insert your code here

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