A well-known communication expert gives a important contribution in the field of communication.
He customized the Shannon & Weaver's Model of communication.

Limitation: - One way communication merely.
Schramm's modify the modal since according to the following conditions

- In place of 'transmitter' as well as 'receiver' he uses 'encoder' and 'decoder'.
- Schramm's put in the concept of 'field of experience'.
- Circle point outs the accumulated experience of two individual trying to communicate.
- Both Sender as well as decoder has their own field of experience.
- If circles don't meet then communication is impossible
- Circles are meeting then communication is possible.
- Area in circles are big communication is smooth.
- Area in circle is little shrieked then communication is different because communicating persons belonging to another culture.
Schramm's developed an important model to explain the process of mass communication.
Source: - Media organization like Newspaper and Broadcasting station.