Which of following was a major outcome of yalta conference, History

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I have several questions to ask

which of the following was a major outcome of the Yalta Conference?
a. the division of Germany
b. the terms of Germany's surrender
c. the establishment of satellite nations
d. the establishment of NATO

What was the underlying goal of the Marshall Plan?
a. to contain Soviet expansion in the Middle East and Asia
b. to rebuild European economies to prevent the spread of communism
c. to monitor the growth of the military-industrial complex in the United States
d. to Americanize Western European nations

After World War II, the purpose of HUAC was to
a. hold public hearings on Communist subversion
b. locate chapters of the Communist Party.
c. administer the loyalty review program
d. create the McCarran Act.

The McCarran Act required
a. every government employee to take a loyalty oath
b. all Communist party chapters to disband
c. all communist organizations to register with the government
d. the censure of members of Congress who would not support HUAC

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