What were consequences of southern african mining revolution, History

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Hello guys, I need these questions answered or a reference link.

1. How and to what extent does peasant production represent exploitation? In which ways did it generate internal inequality?

2. What were the consequences of "Southern African mining revolution"?

3. Why did taxes fail to compel African peasants to grow cash crops?

4. To expand cash crop production, the colonial state and cotton companies set up methods of social control. Why was social control necessary? What were these methods and how did they change over time?

5. How did World War I affect the political geography of Africa? Which colonies were most affected by the war, and in what ways? Support your answer with examples.

6. How did the Great Depression of 1929-1940 affect the lives of peasant farmers in Africa? What impact did it have on other Africans? Support your answer with examples.

7. What were the consequences of "Southern African mining revolution"?

8. What factors encouraged Africans to migrate from their home territories? What factors compelled them to migrate? What impact did these migrations have on the cultures that contributed people, and what impact did they have on the cultures that received them?

9. How did European missionaries go about trying to convert Africans to Christianity? Which of their methods were most successful, and why? Which were least successful, and why? Which religions predating the coming of the missionaries - African Christianity, African Islam, or indigenous African religions - proved most resistant to the European missionaries, and why?

10. What factors - both internal and external - contributed or accelerated the movements toward independence in Africa after World War II? What roles did the UN, African intellectuals, and rising nationalism in Asia? What factors - both internal and external - contributed or accelerated the movements toward independence in Africa after World War II? What roles did the UN, African intellectuals, and rising nationalism in Asia play in the independence movements? Support your answer with examples.

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