What then are antioxidants?what is their role as additive, Biology

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What then are antioxidants?What is their role as additive

Antioxidant means a ~ubstance  which when  added  to food  retards  or prevent§  oxidative  deterioration of food. According to  the  PFA Rules, this does not  include substances  like sugar, cereal, oils, flours, herbs and spices. Under Rule 59, no antioxidant  other  than lecithin, ascorbic acid  and  tocopherol shall be  added  to  any  food. However  the following antioxidants, not  exceeding in concentration mentioned'  against each, may be added to edible oils and fats except ghee and butter, namely:

1) Ethyl gallate                                                                                                            0.01 per cent

2)  Propyl gallate                                                                                                        0.01 per cent

3)  Octyl gallate                                                                                                          0.01 per cent

4)  Dodecyl gallate                                                                                                     0.01 per cent

5)  Ascorbyl palmitate                                                                                               0.02 per cent

6)  Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)

7)  Citric acid

8)  Tartaric acid

9)  Gallic acid                                                                                                               0.01 per cent

10)  Resin Guiace                                                                                                        0.05 per cent

11)  Tertiary butyl hydro quinone (TBHQ)                                                              0.02 per cent

Dry mixes of rasgollas and vadas may contain butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) not exceeding 0.02 per cent calculated on the basis of fat content. Flavoring agents also  may contain the permitted antioxidants in concentration not exceeding 0.01 per cent. Ghee and butter may contain BHA  in  a concentration not exceeding 0.02  per  cent. Fat  spiead  may  contain  BHA  or  Tertiary-butyl-hydroquinone  (TBHQ) in  a concentration not exceeding 0.02 per cent by weight on fat basis. Ready-to-eat dry breakfast cereals may  contain BHA  not exceeding 0.005 per  cent (50  ppm).  In ready-to-drink  infant milk substitute, lecithin and ascrobyl palmitate may be used up to a maximum limit of 0.5 g / 100 ml and 1 mg /I00 ml respectively. Wherever BHA is used  in conjunction with the antioxidants mentioned as  items Nos.  1 to 4 above the quantity of the mixture  shall not exceed the limit of  0.02 per cent.


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