What is the system call available to transmit a signal?
System call Kill is used to send a signal to a method or a group of processes.
Int kill (pad tepid, Int sig);
This returns -1 on error and 0on no error
Sig- signal t be sent
Pad - identity of the receiving entity
If pad=positive, the signal sig is sent to the process identified by pid
If pad=NULL, the signal sig is sent to the sender group of the sender
If pad=-1 the signal sig is sent to all process except the first
If pad<-1 the signal sig is sent to a group of process identified by pad
To sent a signal to group of processes, there is also the call kelp
intkillpg(intpgrp, Int sig)
This returns null when it's sent to the group
Parp- simonizes the group the signal is sent to.
To sent signal to itself
int raise(int sig);- in the event of error it sends a non zero value