What is menu planning, Biology

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What is Menu Planning?

Any individual who carries the responsibility of providing meals has to take decisions regarding what to serve, how much to serve, how much to spend, where to shop, how much to buy, how to prepare food, how to serve meals, at what hour to serve meal and so on. All such decisions are a part of planning meals. Extending this concept further, one could define meal planning as a simple practical exercise which involves applying the knowledge of food, nutrient requirement and individual preferences to plan adequate and acceptable meals. In other terms, meal planning means planning for adequate nutrition.

Remember meal planning is just not an exercise of selecting the right kind of foods to help meet the nutrient needs. It also concerns with preparing/planning attractive and enjoyable meals for all persons. Meals must taste good, smell good. Because food is seen before it is tasted, the eyes have a role as well, in food acceptance. Meals must 'look good' to be tasted to be enjoyed. To do this, the planner does not have to be knowledgeable only, but also imaginative and creative. The art of skilful blending of foods in terms of colour, texture and flavour must be known. In this context, therefore, it is said that meal planning is an art. It is an art which develops through thought and inspiration. Meal planning, in fact, is a skill which improves with practice.

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