What is assembler, Computer Engineering

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Q. What is Assembler?

An assembly program is used to transfer assembly language mnemonics to binary code for every instruction after the complete program has been written with support of an editor it's then assembled with help of an assembler. 

An assembler works in 2 stageswhich are: it reads your source code 2 times.  In first pass the assembler gathers all the symbols defined in the program accompanied by their offsets in symbol table.  On the 2ndpass through the source program it generates binary code for every instruction of the program and give all symbols an offset with respect to segment from symbol table.

The assembler produces three files. Object file, list file and cross reference file. The object file comprises the binary code for every instruction in program. It is created only when your program has been successfully assembled without errors.  Errors which are detected by assembler are known as the symbol errors.  For illustrationMOVE AX1, ZX1.

In the statement it reads the word MOVE and it attempts to match with mnemonic sets as there is no mnemonic with this spelling then it presumes it to be an identifier and searches for its entry in symbol table.  It doesn't even find it there hence gives an error as undeclared identifier.

List file is optional and comprises the source code, binary equivalent of every instruction and offsets of symbols in the program.  This file is for purelydocumentation purposes. A number of the assemblers available on PC are TURBO,MASM etc.

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