What is a merge sort, Database Management System

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(a) Using an appropriate example, explain what is a recursive function?

(b) Explain in detail the C++ function given below.

void search2(int list[],int n,int element)

int l,u,m, flag = 0;
l = 0;
u = n-1;
while(l <= u)
{ m = (l+u)/2;
if( list[m] == element)
cout <<" The element whose value is "<<
element << " is present at index " << m << " or position : " << m +1 << "\n";
flag =1;
break; }
if(list[m] < element)
l = m+1;
u = m-1; }
if( flag == 0)
cout <<"The element whose value is " << element << " is not present in the list\n";

(c) What is a "Merge Sort"?

(d) Write a piece of code to implement a "Bubble Sort"

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