What does throw; (with no exception object after the throw , C/C++ Programming

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What does throw; (with no exception object after the throw keyword) mean? Where would

I employ it?

A: You should see code that looks something like this:

class MyException {



void addInfo(const std::string& info);




void f()


try {



catch (MyException& e) { e.addInfo("f() failed"); throw;



In this instance, the statement throws; refer to "re-throw the current exception." At this time, a function caught exception (through non-const reference), modified the exception (through adding up information to it), and re-threw the exception then. This idiom can be used to implement a simple form of stack- trace, adding suitable catch clauses in the important functions of your program.

Another re-throwing idiom is "exception dispatcher":

void handleException()


try {



catch (MyException& e) {

...code to handle MyException...


catch (YourException& e) {

...code to handle YourException...



void f()


try {

...something that might throw...


catch (...) {




This idiom let a single function (handleException()) to be re-used to handle exceptions in number of other functions.

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