What do you mean by suffix, Science

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1. What do you mean by suffix? Write the types of suffix giving two examples for each type.

2. Punctuate the following:

If youre able to appeal to listeners and involve them in your presentation right from the start you're more likely to hold their attention until the finish. consider some of the same techniques that you used to open sales letters a question a startling fact a joke a story, or a quotation. Some speakers achieve involvement by opening with a question or command that requires audience members to raise their hands or stand up.

3. What are the points that should be included in an Agenda? Explain with an example of your own.

4. You are the President of the Good Samaritan Hospital. As the flu season has started, and in recognition of National Hand Washing Awareness Week, you wish to start a campaign, "Give Health a Hand', where you want to send some of the employees and physicians to the neighbouring schools and colleges to bring in awareness regarding the importance of maintaining hygienic hands. Send a MEMO to the HR department to organise the Awareness Week.

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