Using operator deref - manipulating objects in pl sql, PL-SQL Programming

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Using Operator DEREF:

You cannot navigate through refs within the PL/SQL procedural statements. Rather than, you should use the operator DEREF in the SQL statement. The DEREF take as its argument that reference to an object, and then returns the value of that object. If the ref is dangling, the DEREF returns a null object.

In the illustration below, you dereference the ref to a Person object. Note that you select the ref from dummy table dual. You do not require specifying an object table and search criteria as each object stored in an object table has an immutable, exclusive object identifier that is a part of every ref to that object.


p1 Person;

p_ref REF Person;

name VARCHAR2(15);



/* Suppose that p_ref holds a valid reference

to an object stored in an object table. */

SELECT DEREF(p_ref) INTO p1 FROM dual;

name := p1.last_name;

You can use DEREF in successive SQL statements to dereference refs, as the

following example shows:

CREATE TYPE PersonRef AS OBJECT (p_ref REF Person)



name VARCHAR2(15);

pr_ref REF PersonRef;

pr PersonRef;

p Person;



/* Assume pr_ref holds a valid reference. */

SELECT DEREF(pr_ref) INTO pr FROM dual;

SELECT DEREF(pr.p_ref) INTO p FROM dual;

name := p.last_name;




The later illustration shows that you cannot use the operator DEREF within procedural statements:



p1 := DEREF(p_ref); -- illegal

Within the SQL statements, you can use the dot notation to navigate throughout the object columns to ref attributes and through one ref attribute to the other. You can also navigate through the ref columns to attributes if you use a table alias. For illustration, the syntax below is valid:




Suppose that you have to run the SQL*Plus script below that creates object types Address and Person and object table persons:


street VARCHAR2(35),

city VARCHAR2(15),

state CHAR(2),

zip_code INTEGER)



first_name VARCHAR2(15),

last_name VARCHAR2(15),

birthday DATE,

home_address REF Address, -- shared with other Person objects

phone_number VARCHAR2(15))


CREATE TABLE persons OF Person


The Ref attribute home_address corresponds to a column in the object table persons that holds refs to the Address objects stored in some another table. After populating the tables, you can select a particular address by de-referencing its ref, as shown:


addr1 Address,

addr2 Address,



SELECT DEREF(home_address) INTO addr1 FROM persons p

WHERE p.last_name = 'Derringer';

In the illustration below, you navigate through ref column home_address to attribute the street. In this situation, the table alias is needed.


my_street VARCHAR2(25),



SELECT p.home_address.street INTO my_street FROM persons p

WHERE p.last_name = 'Lucas';

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