Use of examination gloves, Biology

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Q. Use of Examination Gloves?

Examination Gloves - latex, vinyl, nitrile, neoprene

Gloves are worn whenever contact with blood, saliva, mucous membranes or blood/saliva-contaminated objects or surfaces are anticipated and under utility gloves during cleaning.

  • A new pair of gloves is worn for each patient. Once treatment gloves have been placed, nothing else is touched other than the patient and instruments, equipment, and supplies that have been prepared solely for the use of that patient. Treatment gloves and mask are covered with overgloves when leaving the operatory. When leaving the clinic, even to go to the sterilization bunks, treatment gloves are removed.
  • Gloves (and mask) are removed when using the telephone
  • Hands are washed prior to placement and upon removal of treatment gloves


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