Unix and linux commands, Operating System

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To explore the UNIX file system, use basic UNIX commands and use a text editor.


 1.      Logon to Linux.


2.      Create a directory "Unix" under your home directory.

Command(s): .................................................

3.      Create four sub-directories bin, conf, docs and data under the directory "Unix" created by you in step 2. See the directory diagram below:

Command(s): .................................................

4.      Create the document called "sed-info" in your "Unix" directory using touch command.

Command: .................................................

5.      Create the document called "join-info" in your "Unix" directory using touch command.

Command: .................................................

6.      While in the Unix directory, move the files "sed-info" and "join-info" to directory "docs" using a single UNIX command.

Command: .................................................

7.      Change to your home directory.

Command: .................................................

8.      Use a single command to rename and move the "sed-info" from the "docs" directory to the "bin" directory.

Command: .................................................

9.      Change to the data directory.

Command: .................................................

10.  While in the data directory create a command that would copy the "sed-info" from the "bin" directory and "join-info" from the docs directory to the "conf" directory using a) absolute paths and b) relative paths.

Command (relative path): .................................................

Command (absolute path): .................................................

11.  Move to your home directory. Create a single command that would delete the Unix directory and all the files and subdirectories of the Unix directory.

Command: .................................................

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