Give a small explanation of all Elements in the diagram.
Action State: - This is a type of state that has an internal action and one outgoing event that would do the internal action.
State: - This is a condition when following events occur:-
- Whenever an Object satisfies a condition.
- Or it performs a action.
- Or wait for an event to happen.
Initial State: - The initial state represents a state before any event occurs.
Final State:- The final state represents the completion of an activity.
Transition Fork:: - It Denotes the beginning of parallel path activities.
Transition Join: - It denotes the merging of parallel path activities.
Control Flow: - It represents the relationship b/w two states and actions. In brief it indicates that an object in one state is entering some another state.
Object Flow: - it connects an object flow state to control flow or action state.
Object in State: - It Indicate the object's state after manipulation by multiple activities.
Decisions: - It defines if there are any condition's in the path.
Swim Lanes: - It assigns the responsibility to action states.
Signal receipt Shape: - It is used to replace an event label on a transition.
Signal Send Shape: - It is used to replace an event label on a transition.
Constraint: - The Conditions that must be maintained true in order the system is valid.