Tokenize a algebraic expr and sorted, JAVA Programming

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• ?read from a file a series of an infix algebraic expressions comprised of constant and variable operands (integers), operands (%, *, /, +, -) and parenthesis. Two slashes (//) represents the beginning of a comment that is not part of the expression
• For each line read:
1. Display the input on the console.
2. Store the expected result in a variable for later comparison. Display the comment.
3. Separate the algebraic expression from the string and then convert the expression to a postfix algebraic expression.
4. Display a list of constants in the expression.
5. Display a list of variables in the expression.
6. Query the user for a value to assign to each the variable (Ask only once for each variable regardless of the number of times it occurs in the expression).
7. Display the postfix expression.
8. Determine and display the numeric result of the expression, using integer math.
9. Determine if the computed answer and the expected result are the same and post an appropriate message.

Coding Standard: The program may use only the Java library Scanner, System, Vector, Arraylist, Linked List, Stack and Java standard file handling classes. The use of arrays is permitted. All input is from a file named “input.dat” and output must be to the Java Console.

Extra explanations;

• It reads in each line of the input file and displays it.
• It correctly identifies and displays all constants used in the expression, including their sign. Note: The minus symbol can indicate either subtraction or a negative constant.
• it displays it the comment to the console.
• it displays a list of all the variables in the expression.
• it queries the user for a value for each variable
• it queries the user for a value for each variable (only once for each occurrence).
• Correctly converts the infix formula into postfix and displays the resulting expression.
• it substitutes the values specified for each variable and displays the new postfix result.
• it correctly resolves postfix and displays the result.
• it writes all output required from the console to a file.

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