Thermodynamics and energy, Biology

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Thermodynamics and Energy

  • 2 types of energy (kinetic and potential)
  • Work is the transfer of energy from one place to another
  • Energy isn't lost, only converted è first law of thermodynamics
  • Bond energy is the measure of the stability of a covalent bond
  • Activation energy à the energy it takes to reach the transition state
  • Transition state à the temporary condition in which the bonds of the reactants are breaking and the bonds of the products are forming



The Combustion Accountant

1.      Draw out molecule to see all bonds

2.      Take each type of bond

a.      Energy produced x # of bonds

3.      Add the energy of the molecule

4.      Do this for all reactants and then again for all products

5.      Add the energy of the reactants together (same with products)

6.      Take the ΔHproducts - ΔHreactants = 'actual' yeild

7.      Find the theoretical yield (in appendix or given)

8.      Theoretical - actual / actual  x 100%  = percent difference


  • ΔH->enthalpy à energy change in a reaction (negative is exothermic and positive is endothermic)
    • Exogonic reactions are more spontaneous then endogonic ones
  • ΔS-> Entropy à the measure of the disorder in a system
    • Increase in entropy is favoured
  • Gibbs free energy ΔG
    • Useful energy that can perform work
  • Energy will be lost as heat when converted è second law of thermodynamics
  • Metabolic processes are reversible


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