The processor 8088
The launching of the processor 8086 is consider as a remarkable step in the development of high speed computing machines. Before the introduction of 8086 mostly circuits required for the different applications in industrial and computing control fields were already designed around the 8-bit processor.
8085. The 8086 imparted marvellousflexibility in the programming ascompared to 8085. So obviously, after the introduction of 8086, there was a search for a microprocessor chip which has the programming flexibility like 8086 and the external interface like 8085, so that all the existing circuits built around 8085 might work as before, with the new chip. The chip 8088 was a result of this demand. The microprocessor8088 has all the programming facilities that 8086 has, along with some hardware features of 8086, like1Mbyte memory addressing capability, operating modes (MN/MX), interrupt structure etc. However 8088, unlike 8086, contain 8-bit data bus. This feature of 8088 creates the circuits, designed just about 8085 compatible with 8088 with little or no modification.
Figure: Memory read Timing in Maximum Mode
Figure: Memory Write Timing in Maximum Mode
Figure: RQ/GT Timing in Maximum Mode
All the peripheral interfacing schemes with 8088 are the similar as those for the 8-bit processors. Now their i/o and memoryaddressing schemes are exactly similar to 8085 schemes except for the increased memory (1Mbyte) and I/O (64Kbyte) capabilities. The architecture indicatesthe developments in 8088 on 8086. Number of restriction and abilities of 8088 are same as 8086. In this section, we will describe thoseproperties of 8088 which are different from that of 8086 in some respects.