Taxonomic evidences of evolution, Biology

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  1. Taxonomy is the classification of organism. The gradual development in the complexity of organisms with specialized characters from simpler organisms astonished the biologists.
  2. The Swedish naturalist, Carolus Linnaeus (1707 - 1778) formulated the system of nomenclature and classification of organisms.
  3. Very closely related animals are kept in the same species probably showing their ancestory.
  4. Classification of animals is based upon their natural similarities and dissimilarities which establish their geneological relationship and common ancestory.
  5. A geneological tree was first drawn by Lamarck (1809)
  6. The levels of classification are: Phylum → Class → Order → Family → Genus → Species.
  7. All similar species are grouped together in one genus, all such genera in one family and so on.

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