Q. Draw the structures of complete undirected graphs on one, two, three, four and five vertices also prove that the number of edges in an n vertex complete graph is n(n-1)/2.
The Graphs are drawn below:
i. Graph for One vertex:-
ii. Graph for Two vertices:-

From the above drawn Graphs we can see
i. When n=1,
Then number of edges becomes
= 1(1-1)/2
Therefore, number of edges = 0. ii. When n=2,
Then number of edges becomes
Therefore, number of edges = 1. iii. When n=3,
Then number of edges becomes
Therefore, number of edges becomes = 3.
iv. When n=4,
Then number of edges
Therefore, number of edges becomes = 6.
v. When n=5,
Then number of edges becomes
Therefore, number of edges becomes = 10.