StrNCpyAsm, Assembly Language

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;StrNCpyAsm - copy zero terminated string2 to zero terminated string1,
; but copy no more than count (parameter) characters
; or the length of string2, whichever comes first
; entry: - addStr1 contains the address of string1
; - addStr2 contains the address of string2
; - count contains the max number of characters to copy
; exit: NONE (no return value so do not use edi to return an address)
; Note: StrNCpyAsm does not zero terminate the copied string
; unless the 0 is within count characters copied.
; example1: char str1[]= {''h'',''e'',''l'',''l'',''o'','' '',''w'',''o'',''r'',''l'',''d'',0};
; char str2[]= {''G'',''o'',''o'',''d'',''-'',''b'',''y'',''e'',0};
; StrNCpyAsm(str1,str2,4);//terminating 0 not copied since only 4 characters copied
; ;//and terminating 0 not within the 4 characters
; after copy str1 contains: ''G'',''o'',''o'',''d'',''o'','' '',''w'',''o'',''r'',''l'',''d'',0
; example2: use str1 and str2 from example1
; StrNCpyAsm(str1,str2,9); //terminating 0 copied since terminating 0
; //within 9 characters copied
; str1 contains: ''G'',''o'',''o'',''d'',''-'',''b'',''y'',''e'',0,''l'',''d'',0
; example3: use str1 and str2 from example1
; StrNCpyAsm(str1,str2,20);//copy 20 characters upto and including 0,
; //whichever comes first
; //only 9 characters including 0 copied
; after copy str1 contains: ''G'',''o'',''o'',''d'',''-'',''b'',''y'',''e'',0,''l'',''d'',0
; The above is how you would call StrNCpyAsm from C++.
; To call StrNCpyAsm from an asm function use:
; push 20 ;max num of characters to copy
; push str2Add ;address of string 2
; push str1Add ;address of string 1
; call StrNCpyAsm
; ;no add esp, 12 needed because stack cleaup automatically done
;Do not use a loop in this function.
;Choose 2 instructions from the following string instructions to use:
; rep, repe, repne, movsb,stosb,cmpsb,scasb
; hint1: use StrLenAsm to get the number of characters in str2
; hint2: the length returned by StrLenAsm does not include terminating 0
; hint3: copy the lesser of the length of the string (including terminating 0)
; or count characters
;copy to ecx the lesser of count or the length of string2 (including terminating 0)
; Please note for the above, you need the length of string2 including terminating 0.
; StrLenAsm returns the length not including terminating 0
;populate esi and edi with the correct values
;clear the direction flag
;use rep and movsb to copy

StrNCpyAsm PROC uses eax esi edi ecx , ;save registers used
addStr1:DWORD, ;address of string1
addStr2:DWORD, ;address of string2
count:DWORD ;max chars to copy

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