Steps to create run chart, Project Management

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The steps to create a run chart are:

1.  Identify the process to be observed: Ensure that the process involves some kind of repeatable activity in which results remain consistent over time. A run chart will not be used in areas where data are expected to change.

2.  Collect data: Around twenty to twenty five data points are required for a meaningful chart.

3.  Create the graph: Plot the data on an x-y axis and then calculate and plot the mean. The mean should not be recalculated when new data is added .Recalculate the mean only after changing the process. The data collected initially establishes the process mean. Subsequent data must be evaluated against the mean unless the process has been changed since initial data collection.

4.  Interpret the data:  Look for trends, shifts in data groupings or cycles.

All may suggest further analysis to determine the reason.

995_run chart.png

Figure : Run chart for commute time.

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