Steps for prevention industrial accidents, Biology

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Steps for Prevention Industrial Accidents

These steps are as follow:

  1. Substitute a less hazardous equivalent.
  2. Remove worker from hazard (e.g. automate the system).
  3. Eliminate the source of hazard.
  4. Isolate the hazard by enclosure.
  5. Arrange special training for workers.
  6. Bring good housekeeping in practice.
  7. Dilute the hazard like ventilating gases.
  8. Apply appropriate management strategy.
  9. Use appropriate personal protection equipment.

Though it cannot be involved in safety analysis, yet a decision may be made regarding the design and suggestion may be made to redesign complete product or change certain features so that greater safety is make sure. More than one of above methods may often be applied. The sequence of implementation will be as follows. Select a method / methods, apply the method or methods, monitor the effects, assess the effectiveness, make adjustment if essential and then implement the method or methods for practice.

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