Describe all elements in Static Chart diagrams.
Package: - The Package logically groups element of a UML model.
Class: - The Class describes all set of objects with similar structure, relationships, and behavior.
Data Type: - A data type is an instance of the DataType metaclass defined in the UML metamodel. A data type declares a type of class attribute. The Data type is available as a string; you can include it when you define attributes for all other elements in a model.
Interface: - The Interface specifies the externally operations of a class, package, component, or other element without specifying internal structure.
Generalization: The Generalization is a relationship b/w a specific element and a general element, such that the specific element is fully consistent with the general element and includes the additional information (like attributes and associations). For e.g., the classes Bike, Car, Cycle can all be specific elements of a more general abstract class element named as vehicle.
Binary Association: - It is a relationship between 2 classes.
Composition: - A composition is a form of aggregation which indicates that a part may belong to only one whole and that the lifetime of the whole determines the lifetime of the part.
Dependency: - It Shows relationship between two elements.
Utility: - Whatever the Attributes and operations you define for a utility become global variables & procedures.
Subsystem: - The Subsystem is a package that contains the contents of the entire system or an entire model within the system.
Parameterized class: - This is a template that describes a class with one or more unbound formal parameters.
Binding: - It is a kind of dependency which indicates a binding of parameterized class or template, parameters to actual values to create a bound, or no parameterized, element.
Bound element: - The Parameters of the parameterized class are bound to actual values.
Object: - It Represents instance of a class.
Link: - It Represents Links between objects.
N-ary Link: - Shows link between an objects.
Meta-Class: - Whose instances are classes.
Signal: - It specifies the stimulus between classes for which there is no reply. It is an element that can be generalized and is defined independently of the classes handling the signal.
Exception: - Signal rose because of the bad execution.
Trace: - It indicates historical relationship between two elements.
Refinement: - The Refinement is a kind of dependency which indicates a historical or derivation relationship between 2 elements with a mapping between them.
Usage: - The Usage is a kind of dependency which indicates that one element requires the presence of another element for its correct implementation or functioning.
2-Element Constraint: - It represents a constraint on two classes or associations.
OR constraint: - It represents an OR constraint on two classes or associations.