Stages of organisational change
The Organisation change model chosen must be a data driven, enterprise wide, systemic approach to change. It should be planned in such a way that it increases the long-term financial health and operational performance of the organisation, while getting better with its competitive advantage and enriching the lives of all stakeholders.
Typically, organisation-wide change involves greater planning, co-ordination and implementation. Adding a new department, adding a new process unit, changes in mission, business process re-engineering, restructuring operations, changes in the use of technology, changes in process methodology of manufacturing are some of the examples of organisational change.
Cumings and Worley describes a comprehensive, five-phase, general process for managing change which can be applied for any organisation that would need change management. The steps of an Organisational change model include the following five stages:
- Create Vision.
- Motivate change.
- Develop support.
- Manage the transition.
- Sustain Momentum.
The figure describes the organisational change model:

Figure: Organisational change models