Sort the Sequence Using Merge Sort, Data Structure & Algorithms

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Q. Sort the sequence written below of keys using merge sort.

66, 77, 11, 88, 99, 22, 33, 44, 55                                                                     


Sorting using Merge sort technique:-

Original File       [66] [77] [11] [88] [99] [22] [33] [44] [55]

Pass1     [66 77] [11 88] [22 99] [33 44] [55]

Pass2         [11 66   77   88] [22 33   44   99] [55]

Pass3         [11 22   33   44   66   77   88   99] [55]

Pass4   [11 22   33   44   55   66   77   88   99]


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