Solve a programming problem, MATLAB Programming

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Write a function rid_multiple_blanks that will receive a string as an input argument. The string contains a sentence that may have multiple blank spaces in between some of the words. The function will return the string with only one blank in between words. For example,

>> mystr = 'Hello and how are you?';
>> rid_multiple_blanks(mystr)
ans =
Hello and how are you?

Save the function in a Matlab ".m" file and test it with several different input strings in the command window.

In this question we will practice using Matlab structures. In your script, which should be called ‘yourname_lab5_2.m', you need to create a vector of structures to represent some student quiz data.

Quiz data for a class is stored in a file called ‘studentinfo.dat'. Each line in the file has the student ID number (which is an integer) followed by the quiz scores for that student. For example, if there are four students and three quizzes for each, the file might look like this:

44 7 7.5 8
33 5.5 6 6.5
37 8 8 8
24 6 7 8

In the script load the data into a vector of structures. Each structure represents one student and has two fields: ‘id-no' for the integer student ID number and ‘quiz' as a vector of quiz scores. Graphically the structure will look like this:

To accomplish this, first use the load function to read all information from the file into a matrix. Then, using a loop, copy the data into a vector of structures as specified previously. Then, the script will calculate and print the quiz average for each student; for example, if the file is as just shown:

Student Quiz Ave

44 7.50
33 6.00
37 8.00
24 7.00

3. Start and Stop Codon

In nature the translation from the mRNA to the protein sequence always begins at a start codon (AUG) and ends at one of the stop codon (UAA, UGA and UAG) . Nucleotide bases before the start codon are not translated. In this question, we want to remove the bases before the first start codon in an mRNA sequence and translate the remaining bases into a protein sequence.

a) Create a function called remove_to_start that takes as input a string and returns a new string with everything prior to the first start codon removed.

For example:
>> s1_trim = remove _to_start(s1)

s1_trim =

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