Skin cancer, Biology

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The objective of this assignment is to make you aware of the structure and function of your skin, what are the dangers that your skin may face during your lifetime and how to prevent and detect some disorders of the skin.
The skin is the largest organ of our body. It is the first line of contact with the environment. It’s exposed to sunlight, pollution, bacteria, and many other dangers. The skin gives signs of warning if something went wrong in the body. The texture, temperature or color may change which indicates the problem.

Your task is to write an essay where you answer the following questions

1. What is the skin? Describe it structure.
2. What is a skin cancer?
3. Talk about the three types of skin cancers and their characteristics.
4. Find some statistics showing numbers of people affected by these tumors? How do these number change with time?
5. What are the main causes of skin cancers?
6. How can we prevent and detect skin cancers?
7. How can the sun’s UV rays damage the cells of our skin?
8. What is SPF? What number and kind of sunscreen should we use?

• You must cite the all of your references, even if the information is written in your own paraphrasing. Be sure to cite each sentence that does not entirely contain your own original thoughts and words
• IN-TEXT CITATIONS are required (Author, Year in parentheses at end of sentence or phrase).
• Do not overuse quotations: paraphrase information in your own words whenever possible! Show your own thoughtful examination of the data and concepts.
• All sources must have an author, date, title, and publication. Use APA style format.

Reflection Paper

Rubric Exceeds standards
4 points Meets standards
3 points Unsatisfactory
2 – 0 points
Format/ Original
Paper is neatly typed, 10-12 point regular font, one-inch margins, and is more than 3 paragraphs with more than 2 references to current or past texts, class sessions, etc. Work clearly that of the author and all citations appropriate and properly referenced.
Assignment have a cover page. Paper is neatly typed,
double-spaced, 10-12 point regular font, one-inch margins, 2 references cited on a works cited page as well as parenthetical citations, and 3 paragraphs. Work that of the author but relies heavily on cited sources and not on students informed opinion. Formatting rules ignored, shorter than 3 paragraphs or missing parenthetical citations and there is no works cited page and work relies almost exclusively on work of others.
Grammar and
Spelling and types
No errors Minor errors Lacks basic proofreading or contains major errors.
Well-organized, well written, easy to read and understand. There is an introduction, flow, and conclusion. Well-organized but “flow” could be improved. Organization lacking and arguments difficult or impossible to follow.
Shows strong evidence as seen in the depth of thoughts drawing the relationship between self, texts, articles, events, guest speakers and/or the class session. Discusses issues identified in readings and brings up further thoughts or questions especially how they relate to their personal lifestyle. Shows evidence of reasoned reflection. Discusses the issue but doesn’t elaborate.
The student doesn’t fully understand but does her best to apply some concepts learned in the course, but can relate to them only minimally. Lacks reflection and depth. Does not expand on thoughts. Has not made connections between what they learned or heard or experienced and our course.
References and Citation
Student has utilized the proper references and cited them in APA style. Student has utilized the proper references but did not put them in the APA style. Student has not utilized references.

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