What are satellite assemblies?
We use resource files to store data according to the localized languages. But when you actually go for the deployment you will not like to also install the "resx" or "txt" files. It is definitely not a good deployment practice to install the data which can be easily modified. In brief somehow we should install this in a binary format so that no end user can modify it. That's why the Microsoft introduced satellite assemblies.
The Satellite assemblies are assemblies which do not contain any source code. They contain only resource files. You can create a satellite assembly by using rsgen.exe and al.exe. They are in the binary DLL format which makes it easier to ship it during deployment. So finally during deployment you do not require to ship the resx files but only the compiled satellite DLL.
Figure: - resgen.exe and al.exe in action
The above diagram above will give you a whole picture of how to generate Satellite assembly. You can see from the above figure we require two exe resgen.exe & al.exe. Whenever you made your resx file or text file you must first convert it into a ".resource" files. This is completed by using the resgen.exe. The command snippet below is for resgen.exe where the LoginScreen.aspx.el.resx is the resx file and output is a Greek.resources file. It always generates the "LoginScreen.resources" if you do not give the output file name.
resgen LoginScreen.aspx.el.resx Greek.resources
You can also create resx files from the txt file by using resgen.exe below is the code snippet for the same:-
resgen MyLanguage.txt MyLanguage.resx
In the above command snippet we will generate a MyLanguage.resx by using MyLanguag.txt file. You can make a DLL by using resource files and not resx so you must make this conversion. Now once the resource file is created its time make the compiled assembly of the same so that it can be shipped during the deployment. This is carry out by using the assembly linker tool al.exe given by the Microsoft. The command code snippet is below for the same.
al.exe /out:el.dll /c:de /embed:greek.resources