Reverse a string - c ++ program, C/C++ Programming

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Reverse a string - C ++ program:

Write a program in c to reverse a string.

int main()


    Stack theStack;

    String reverse("reverse");


    cout << "\nEnter some strings.  Reverse will collect the strings\n";

    cout << "for you until you enter the string \"reverse\".  Reverse\n";

    cout << "will then print out the strings you have entered, but in\n";

    cout << "reverse order.  Begin entering strings now.\n";




        char inputString[255];

        cin >> inputString;

        String& newString = *( new String( inputString ) );

        if( newString != reverse )


            theStack.push( newString );








    cout << "\nThe strings you entered (if any) are:\n";

    while( !(theStack.isEmpty()) )


        Object& oldString = theStack.pop();

        cout << oldString << "\n";

        delete &oldString;


    return 0;


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