Resources - visual basic programming, Visual Basic Programming

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The cursors, Icons, dialog, bitmaps accelerators, menu, table tool bar and string are the different resources. The resources are compiled by the resource compiler. The linker will bind the object (*.obj) files &resource (*.res) files into the executable (.exe) file.


The Cursor points to a few element on the screen. The character-based screens cursor is a blinking rectangle or an underline symbol. On Windows it might be an I-beam or an arrow.


An icon is the small image that represents a file, program, link to a Web page, picture, or other type of information stored on the computer. The Double-clicking on an icon causes the file, program, Web page or picture to open.


The Bitmap is a method of storing the information which maps an image pixel, bit by bit. The bitmapped file format are .pcx, .bmp,.pict, .pict-2, .tif., tiff, and so on.


The Accelerators are the short cut keys. It is a key combination like Alt+0, Alt+F9, Ctrl+A to activate the task.


The Toolbars are buttons to activate the functions in the application. The floppy sign is a tool bar for saving. They will be related with the corresponding menu items. The toolbar is a window which contains a row of command buttons. Clicking the button will concern the predefined command. For choosing a menu item you can click the toolbar equivalent to the menu item. The toolbar buttons are arranged and are bitmaps in a row.

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