Recursion versus iteration, PL-SQL Programming

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Recursion versus Iteration

Dissimilar the iteration, recursion is not crucial to PL/SQL programming. Any problem which can be solved using recursion can be solving using the iteration. Also, the iterative version of the subprogram is typically easier to design than the recursive version. Though, the recursive version is typically simpler, smaller, and hence easier to debug. Compare the functions below that calculate the nth Fibonacci number:

-- recursive version



IF (n = 1) OR (n = 2) THEN



RETURN fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);


END fib;

-- iterative version


pos1 INTEGER := 1;

pos2 INTEGER := 0;



IF (n = 1) OR (n = 2) THEN



cum := pos1 + pos2;

FOR i IN 3..n LOOP

pos2 := pos1;

pos1 := cum;

cum := pos1 + pos2;




END fib;

The recursive version of the Fibonacci is more graceful than the iterative version. Though, the iterative version is more accurate; it runs faster and uses less storage. That is as each recursive call needs an additional time and memory. As the number of recursive calls gets bigger, so does the difference in effectiveness. Still, if you expect the number of recursive calls to be little, you may choose the recursive version for its readability.

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