Python programs, Python Programming

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Python programs

Every  general-purpose computer has a various detailed design, which  defines  that  the way  its program requires  to be specified is different. The "machine language programs" for defining computer programs, at the last  primitive level, are awkward for programmers. We have  prepared several computer programming languages for specifying a computation. These languages are changed into instructions in the computer 's language which is called machine language. One of the simplest and most powerful point  about  general-purpose computers is this ability to write computer programs that operate  or build or change other computer programs.

Computer programming languages are PCAP machines. They give primitive operations, ways of combining these programs,  ways  of abstracting over  them,  and  different ways  of collecting common abstraction patterns.

In a computer program we have  both  computation primitives and data  primitives. At the most basic  level,  computers usually store  binary digits  (bits)  in groups of 32 or 64, named  words. These words are data  primitives, and  they  may be interpreted by our  programs as presenting integers, floating-point values, addresses or strings of other  data  in the computer 's physical memory. The calculation primitives supported by most  computers include numerical operations such as multiplication and addition, and  placing  and  extracting the information of a memory at a given address. We will work  at abstraction level that  does  not need us to think  very much  about  addresses of data.


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