1. Accidental injury -
Automobile accidents are no. 1 killers of adolescents, as they drive often fast.
2. Depression -
It includes sad & unhappy appearance, difficulty in sleeping.
3. Suicide -
It is on increase in adolescents. Rate is higher in boys than in girls.
4. Substance Abuse -
Most substance abuse begins in adolescence. It includes smoking, drinking, drug use.
5. Eating disorders -
These are abnormal patterns of handling food for fear of obesity & disfigurement of body.
Anorexia nervosa & bulimia are common eating disorders.
Anorexia - In it persons believe themselves to be fatty & develop an aversion to food. They may lead to life threating weight loss.
Bulimia - Patient resorts to repeated excessive eating followed by self induced vomiting & puging.
6. Violence -
There are often quarrels at playgrounds, traffic jams, fairs, sexual, physical & emotional abuse is common in adolescents. It is resulted in to depression, anxiety & headache.
7. Pregnancy -
Premarital sexual intercourse is on the rise among adolescents.
Very young pregnant teenagers have a higher incidence of anaemia & toxemia. Their babies are premature, under weight & often have respiratory problems.
8. STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease) -
Also called veneral disease. Major STDs are syphlis, gonorrhoea. Another disease related to sex is AIDS.
9. Hypochondria (undue concern about health) -
Late developers often suffer from anxiety & undue concern with health.
10. Neurasthenia -
Inability to concentrate on or enjoy things, may lead to irritability, fatigue, insomnia, depression & headache.