project, JAVA Programming

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The objective is to
implement a menu
based system for Bank Accounts
in order
to simulate a
very simple banking system.
Many structures have to be declared to manage bank accounts. An account contains the
information about a customer name; his/her account number;
current balance
; address; etc
The system should be
capable of adding new customers, accepting deposits, handling
withdrawals, and displaying data such as customer name,
account number and
in dollars
We may use four
arrays. The first array (
) is for holding the account
numbers (each account is of type integer). The second array (
) is needed
to hold
the customer names
. The third (
) is
for customer addresses. And the fourth
) is for balances (each balance is of type
). If a customer has an account in
this bank,
[i] is the account number of this customer,
[i] is the
name of the same customer,
[i] is the address of the same customer, and
[i] is the balance of the same customer’s account.
Assume that the
bank’s strategy is to have at maximum 1000 customers
You can start filling
partially the arrays by initializing with 10
customers’ data of your choice.
Implement your system to perform the following tasks:
Design the MENU described below:
1. Add a new customer
2. Add from file
3. Withdraw funds
4. Deposit funds
5. Show
6. Save to file
7. Display All Customers
. Exit
Enter your choice

Menu Item 1
Prompts the user as
follows: (Each item below is read before the next prompt)
Please enter the following Items
Customer Account Number <>
(read input)
Customer Name<>
(read input)
Customer Address<>
(read input)
Funds <>
(read input)
Use the account number entered to
assure that the account does not already exists in the array.
If not, then add the new data to the appropriate arrays. If the account number already exists
then display an appropriate error message.

Menu Item 2
Add new customers from a predefined file
Details are given later.

Menu Item
Prompts the user as follows: (Each item below is read before the next prompt)
Please enter the following Items
Customer Account Number <>
(read input)
Withdraw Amount <>
(read input)
Use the account
number to verify that the account exists in the account array. If not, display
an appropriate message. If the account exists, perform the withdrawal transaction and update
the account. The transaction should check the account for the availability of funds.
sufficient funds are available complete the transaction and display a message. Similarly,
display a message if funds are
less than the amount requested

Menu Item
Prompts the user as follows: (Each item below is read before the next prompt)
enter the following Items
Customer Account Number <>
(read input)
Deposit Amount <>
(read input)
Use the account number to verify that the account exists in the account array. If not, display
an appropriate message. If the account exists, perform the depo
sit transaction, update the
account, and display an appropriate message.

Menu Item
Prompts the user as follows: (Each item below is read before the next prompt)
Please enter the following Items
Customer Account Number <>
(read input)
Use the account
number to verify that the account exists in the account array. If not, display
an appropriate message. If the account exists
the system should display the account details.
Below is an example about the layout of the
ed details
on the screen
nt Number <> 2452
Customer Name <> Fadi Merhi
Address <> 1234 Port Said Road, Mina, North Lebanon
Current Balance <> $

Menu Item 6
Save the content of the array in the file “customer.txt”.
Details are given later.

Menu Item 7
Display the Bank
Customers Details as a report
. The customers are sorted in ascending order
on the customers’ names

Menu Item
Let you
exit the program
Add the menu item
to allow bank loans. One loan per account is allowed until payback
completion. The loan amount couldn’t exceed $ 10,000 and for a period of 3
6 months
maximum. The interest rate is
on the loan when the period is less
18 months;
otherwise, it wi
ll be 15%
. T
he money is paid
back in regular monthly
installments. The
loan amount, when attributed, should be added to the current balance. The system should
display a report about the
loan details, payback periods and each installment amount.
Add the menu item
to clear a bank loan if attributed.
You may have to add several other
arrays and
functions to improve the structure/clarity
of your main program.

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