programming project, Computer Engineering

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Write a program that will simulate ATM machine. The Program should prompt the user to enter a valid PIN password number of 5 digits (PIN: 12312). The program will not proceed until a correct PIN is entered. Once a correct PIN is entered, the program will display a menu of 6 choices. Unless a correct choice is entered, the program will keep telling the user to enter a correct choice as shown in Fig.1.
Figure 1
If choice 1 is selected (Check Balance), then a new window will appear as shown in Fig.2 (See notes how to get new window) which is the amount of your account. The program will give the user the choice to continue (if 1 is entered) or exit (if 0 is entered). If 1 is entered, then the program will display the menu as shown in Fig.1.
Figure 2
Introduction To Programming GENG200 Project Prepared By: Ayman Rabee
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If choice 2 is selected (Make Withdrawal), then the program will display a new window that gets the amount you want to withdraw. If the amount is negative or if it is greater than your balance, then the program will tell the user a specific message according to the input. An illustration is shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4.
You should note that if the user responds with a valid amount, then the original account balance should be affected.
Figure 3
Figure 4
If choice 3 is selected (Make A Deposit), then the program will start with a new window as shown in Fig.5. The program will not proceed unless a positive value is entered.
Figure 5
Introduction To Programming GENG200 Project Prepared By: Ayman Rabee
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You should note that if the user entered with a valid amount, then the original account balance should be increased by this amount.
If choice 4 is selected (View Account Information), then the program should display in new window information about the built-in account as shown in Fig.6.
Figure 6
If choice 5 is selected (Pay Bills), then the program should display in new window choices about the bills you want to pay for as shown in Fig.7 and Fig.8. Here you have to select 1 or 2; if any other number is entered the program will keep asking enter 1 or 2.
Figure 7
Introduction To Programming GENG200 Project Prepared By: Ayman Rabee
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Figure 8
Note that the program in this case will ask the user about the amount of money to be paid for the bills, the program will accept the amount if the following conditions are true:
1. The Amount >= 0
2. The Amount <= Your Account Balance
3. The Amount <= Your Bill
If choice 6 is selected (Exit), then the program will display a new window as shown in Fig.9 giving the user the choice to continue with program or exit.
Figure 9
Introduction To Programming GENG200 Project Prepared By: Ayman Rabee
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Important Notes:
1. The Program should give the user the choice to continue working with the program or exit after every operation as shown in all of the figures above.
2. You should use user-defined functions wherever possible.
3. To clear the screen and start with an empty one, you can make use of the example code listed in sample program 1.
a. For windows users use system(“cls”)
b. For MAC OsX users use system(“clear”).
c. Use stdlib.h library

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