Program which prints odd or even according to user input, Programming Languages

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Note: You should pay attention on following good practices:

  • Appropriate code comments(If you make any assumptions clearly comment them in the code)
  • Indentation
  • Instructional text for the user
  • Input validation and appropriate error messages
  • Use of appropriate data types
  • Include  Both Program Code, Design Code(Pseudo code)  in your Documentation


Question 1:

Briefly discus about Basic Data type in procedural languages

1) Examples of Basic data types

2) Characteristic Of Each Data type

Question 2:

Write a Program that prints "Number Limit Exceeded" if the user inserts a number more than 50.

Question 3:

Write Program code to accept age from the user. If the age i s negative or zero, the Message "age cannot be negative" and "age cannot be zero" should be displayed, respectively

Question 4: 

Write a program to compute the factorial of a number, and use it to print the factorials of the numbers 1-7

Question 5:

Write a program to print this triangle:


Use two nested loops instead. You'll have to use braces around the body of the outer loop if it contains multiple statements:

Question 6:

 Write a Program which prints "ODD" Or "EVEN" According to the user entered Number

Question 7:

Only the administrator to modify the Website of the company. The program accepts the name and password of a user and validates it with the name and password of the administrator. After validating the input, the program displays the message whether the user is allowed to modify

Question 8: 

Take two inputs from user and an Operator. Then calculate the result of the two according to the inserted operator.           

Make sure to use Reusability in you program

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