Program using occurs clause, COBOL Programming

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We have to write a simple program to demonstrate Occurs Clause. Get the employee details for 3 persons and compute the total salary.

identification division.

  program- id. emp-occurs.

  environment division.

  data division.

  working-storage section.

  01  emp-rec.

    02 emp-det occurs 3 times.

      05 emp-name  pic x(20).

      05 emp-sal   pic 9(5)v9(2).

  01 head-1   pic x(80) value all "- ".

  01 head-2.

    02  f  pic x(15) Value spaces.

    02  f  pic x(20) value "NAME".

    02  f  pic x(15) Value spaces.

    02  f  pic x(10) value "SALARY".

    02  f pic x(20) value spaces.

01 head-3.

  02  f pic x(15) value spaces.

  02  e-name pic x(20).

  02  f  pic x(15) Value spaces.

  02  e-sal   pic z(5).z(2).

  02  f  pic x(22) Value spaces.

01   i  pic 9 value 1.

01   tot-sal pic 9(6)v9(2) value 0.

01   e-tot-sal pic z(6).z(2).

procedure division.


  display(1 1) erase.

  display(3 5) "Enter Data for 3 Employees...".

  perform get-para 3 times.

  display head-1.

  display head-2.

  display head-1.

  move 1 to i.

  perform disp-para until i > 3.

  display head-1.

  move tot-sal to e-tot-sal.

  display "Total Salary = " e-tot-sal.

  display " ".

  stop run.


  display(1 1) erase.

  display(5 5) "Name :  ".

  accept emp-name(i).

  display(10 5) "Salary : ".

  accept emp-sal(i).

  add 1 to i.


  move  emp-name(i) to e-name.

  move  emp-sal(i)  to e-sal.

  compute tot-sal = tot-sal + emp-sal(i).

  display head-3.

  add 1 to i.

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