Program to sort a range of numbers with insertion, C/C++ Programming

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Program to sort a range of numbers with Insertion:

/* define variable */

const int max=29000;

int list[max];

FILE *fp;

clock_t start,end;

char any1[8];


/* Insertion sort module */

void insertion(int min1,int max1)


    int a,b,v;




       v = list[a];

       b = a;



                   list[b] = list[b-1];

                   b = b - 1;

       }  while(list[b-1] > v);

       list[b] = v;




/* sort partitioning element */

void sorthree(int x,int y,int z)


int temp;


if (list[x] > list[y])


   temp = list[x];

   list[x] = list[y];

   list[y] = temp;


if (list[z] < list[x])


   temp = list[x];

   list[x] = list[z];

   list[z] = temp;

   temp = list[y];

   list[y] = list[z];

   list[z] = temp;


if ((list[z] > list[x]) && (list[z] < list[y]))


   temp = list[y];

   list[y] = list[z];

   list[z] = temp;




/* Quicksort module */

void quicksort(int min2,int max2)


int m,v,t,i,j,q;


if ((max2-min2) > 9)


   m = (max2-min2+1)/2;



   q = list[m];

   list[m] = list[max2];

   list[max2] = q;


   v = list[max2];

   i = min2+1;

   j = max2-1;






      } while (list[i] < v);




      } while (list[j] > v);

      t = list[i];

      list[i] = list[j];

      list[j] = t;

   }  while (i












/* main program */

void main()


int i,j,k,min,max1;

char any2[8];



cout << "Enter a file name to store data :";

cin >> any1;                                  /* input data file name on */

cout << '\n' << "Generating file...waits\n\n";/*   screen */


fp = fopen(any1,"w");



       for(i=0;i<200;i++)    /* write random values to file */


                   k = rand();






fp = fopen(any1,"r");

    i = 0;

    while(fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&k) != EOF)


                  list[i] = k;  /* read values from file and assign to an array */

                  i = i + 1;



min = 0;

max1 = max;


cout << "Sorting with Quicksort... waits" << '\n';

start = clock();

quicksort(min,max1);   /* sort an unsorted list with quicksort */


float result = (end-start)/CLK_TCK;

cout << "The time needs to sort " << max

     << " numbers in Quciksort is : " << result << " second(s)" << "\n\n";



cout << "Enter an output file for Quicksort : ";

cin >> any2;


fp = fopen(any2,"w");


  {                   /* write the output from quicksort and put them */

      k = list[i];    /*to a file */





fp = fopen(any1,"r");

    i = 0;

    while(fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&k) != EOF)


                  list[i] = k;

                  i = i + 1;



cout << "\nSorting with Insertion Sort... waits" << '\n';

start = clock();

insertion(0,max);   /* sort an unsorted list with insertion sort */


result = (end-start)/CLK_TCK;

cout << "The time needs to sort " << max

     << " numbers in Insertion is : " << result << " second(s)" << "\n\n";


cout << "Sort an already sorted array again with Quicksort..." << '\n';

min = 0;

max1 = max;


start = clock();

quicksort(min,max1);  /* sort an already sort list with quicksort */


result = (end-start)/CLK_TCK;

cout << "The time needs to sort " << max

     << " numbers in Quicksort is : " << result << " second(s)" << "\n";


cout << "Sort an already sorted array again with Insertion sort..." << '\n';

start = clock();

insertion(0,max);   /* sort an already list with insertion sort */


result = (end-start)/CLK_TCK;

cout << "The time needs to sort " << max

     << " numbers in Insertion sort is : " << result << " second(s)" << '\n';





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