Write a program to compute:
1.) Mixing ratio, W=.622[Vapor pressure/(pressure-vapor pressure)]
2.) Virtual temperature, VT=T(1+0.61 mixing ratio) = T(1+.61W)
3.) Specific Humidity, SH = mixing ratio/(mixing ratio+1) = W/(W+1)
4.) Vapor pressure has been provided as 6.11mb
5.) T=Temperature which is given in attached data file(to be used as input file)
6.) Pressure for all records is also given by the file
7.) The programs should be well documented and use of functions/subroutines/arrays will be favorable
8.) Values of Relative Humidity are given in the input data file
9.) Compare Specific Humidity to Relative Humidity for each record and display an appropriate message (greater than, less than or equal to)
10.) The output should be directed into an output file as listed below:
Temp Mixing Virtual Specific SH vs
(F) Ratio Temp Humidity RH