Most popular news websites publish their RSS ( Really Simple Syndication ) feeds. If you haven 't heard of RSS,
you may have a look at this article on Wikipedia. In this assignment, y ou are to write a simple RSS News Reader and Aggregator in Perl.
The should accept only one command line argument which is the URL of a speci_ed RSS feed. If the RSS feed is valid, all items in the RSS fe ed should be displayed on the screen with the following details:
- Title
- Author* (where exists )
- Date published (where exists)
- Content (description)
In Part B, the script only needs to support one of the following three formats.
The generated text le should look similar to Part A. However, it should also exclude all markups (e.g.
HTML tags) to make the output more readable.
- HTML (le extension: htm or html)
The generated le should be compatible with major browsers (Microsoft Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox
3.6+, and Google Chrome 16+). HTML formats and images from the RSS feeds (wher e exists) should
also be retained.
The generated RSS feed should at least include the four required elements specied in Part A. In c ase
some of the elements are missing , the aggregated le should still include the missing elem ent(s) but
with an empty value. The generated le should conform to the RSS 2.0 standard.
Part A
Improve your to support two of the three formats specified in Part B.
Part B
Further improve your to support all three formats specified in Part B.
In addition, the script should also accept an optional third command line argument which specifies a date in the
format of dd/mm/yyyy. When the argument is provided, e.g.
./ feeds.txt everything.xml 12/03/2012
It should then include only news items published on or after the specified date in the output _le. The time zone in the RSS feeds can be ignored.