The Malt Shop restaurant charges $2.99 for burgers, $1.29 for fries, and $1.25 for sodas.
Write a program that allows a restaurant employee to enter an order (the number of burgers, fries and sodas), and then display the total cost before tax, the tax (8.25%), the final total cost and the customer's change given the amount tendered.
Since the program is dealing with the use of money, be sure to utilize the setprecision, setw, left and right manipulators.
Account for Input failure. It is possible the user may accidentally enter something other than a number into a numeric field. Expect and correct a possible input failure using clear and ignore statements.
Use constants to define the cost of burgers, fries and drinks, and the tax rate, something like this:
const double BURGER_COST = 1.99;
const double FRIES_COST = 1.29;
const double SODA_COST = 1.25;
const double TAX_RATE = .0825;