Program for write a class with the header, JAVA Programming

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Write a class with the header

public class OrderedPair>

implements Comparable>

instance variables

private Key x

private Key y


publicOrderedPair(Key x, Key y) // initialize the instance variables


(i) accessor and mutator methods for the instance variables.

(ii) publicintcompareTo(OrderedPair s)

if (this.x  is not equal to s.x) then return x.compareTo(s.x)

else return y.compareTo(s.y)

(iii)  public String toString() - returns a String that represents x and y as an ordered pair.  For instance, if x = "cat " and y = "dog ", then this method returns  the String, "(cat , dog ) ". 


A class with the header

public class OrderedPairException extends Exception

This class has a constructor with the following header

publicOrderedPairException(String msg)

The only statement in this constructor uses the parameter, msg, to invoke the constructor in the Exception class.


Add the following methods to the SET class

public SET difference(SETst)

Returns the complement of this set with the set object represented by the parameter, st.  (In order words, return this - st)

public void display()

Displays the contents of this set.    Use the toString method to display each element in the set.  If the set is null or it's empty then display "Empty Set".

public SetorderedPairs(SETst) throws OrderedPairedException

Returns a set consisting of the ordered pairs in this set and the set represented by the parameter, st.

If this set is null or it's empty then throw an OrderedPairException that contains the message "First Coordinate Set is Null".

If the set represented by the parameter st is null or it's empty then throw an OrderedPairException that contains the message "Second Coordinate Set is Null".

Example  if c = {"A", "B", and "C"} and d = {"X", "Y"}  then the set of order pairs is

{ ("A", "X"), ("A", "Y"), ("B", "X"), ("B", "Y"), ("C", "X"), ("C", "Y") }

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