Program for users to play the game of brick, JAVA Programming

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Your task is  to  write  a  Java  program  that  allows  users  to  play  the  game  of  Brickles. (note:  it  is  up  to  you  whether  to  use the  skeleton).  The program  uses  a  predefined  component, named BrickWall (provided in BrickWall.jar), to implement the game field.  Consult the  file  javadoc/index.html  for  API  information  about  BrickWall  and  its  associated listener and event classes (CollisionEvent and CollisionListener).


Games  usually  have  relatively  simple  interfaces  but  need  to  be  designed  with  considerable attention to appearance and aesthetics. The player will want to have the  current  state  of  the  game  clearly displayed  during  play,  but  will  not  want  the  screen  cluttered up with less important information that is only needed occasionally. There are  no hard and fast rules; you're welcome to implement the interface any way you think appropriate.  Your  goal  here  is  to  make  a  game  that is  "playable".  Without  going  overboard,  try  to make  the  game  something  that  people  might  actually  want  to  pay  money for. A sample user interface is shown below and you may also view a video clip.

850_write  a  Java  program  that  allows  users  to  play  the  game  of  Brickles.png



1. Provide a way to reset the game and a way to quit the program. The operations should be subject to confirmation; if the operation is not confirmed, the action is abandoned

2. Add scoring to the game. The count of the number of bricks removed since reset should  be displayed. If all bricks are removed, the game field is restored and the score continues.

3. Make the game interesting by giving it a more complex scoring scheme. For example,  bricks in the topmost row (coloured red) might be worth 10 points each; with subsequent  rows worth 5 points (yellow), 2 points (green) and 1 point (blue).

4. Give the game a definite endpoint. For example, you might begin with a fixed number of balls (3, say), and have the game stop when all balls have been lost. You could perhaps make it more rewarding by adding extra balls when the score reaches certain milestones, but don't make it so easy that it never ends!

5. Provide a way to set the difficulty level of the game so that it is suitable for a variety of skill levels. For example, you might be able to change the  ball speed, bat size, or the  number of bricks in the wall. A game with a higher ball speed, a smaller bat size, and  more bricks in the wall is more difficult to play.

6. Make the game get progressively more challenging as the score increases. For example,  you could have the ball move faster, or the bat get smaller, or the bricks start from lower  down. You'll have to experiment with the various factors to strike a balance. You want it  to be hard enough to be challenging, but not so hard as to be over too quickly.

7. Keep a list of the high scores for each game. When a new high score is posted, prompt for a player name and add the new score to the list. You'll also need a way to reset the list

1237_write  a  Java  program  that  allows  users  to  play  the  game  of  Brickles 2.png

8. Add the ability to save and restore the high scores list and the state of any unfinished game. On shut down, the program should ask if the state should be saved. On start up, it should load the saved information so that the state of the program is restored.

9. Provide an interface that allows the user to choose between several games. For example,  you might offer the basic game with a single bat, a game with bat at both top and bottom,  and a game with bats on all 4 sides.

2051_write  a  Java  program  that  allows  users  to  play  the  game  of  Brickles 3.png

10. Make the program  runnable  as both an application and an applet. Bear in mind that an  applet cannot rely on a menu bar or pop-up windows, so capabilities that would have been  provided through such means (and that still make sense) will have to be provided in other ways. Provide a suitable HTML page that embeds your applet.

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