Program for master file maintenance , COBOL Programming

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We have to write a program to keep the stu-file for which a record has just 2 fields,viz., rno(Roll Number) and name(Student Name). Give the provisions to add, modify, delete the records in the file

identification division.

  program- id.

  environment division.

  input-output section.


    select stu- file assign to disk

    organization is indexed

    access mode is random

    record key is rno

    file status is fs.

  data division.

  file section.

  fd stu- file

    label records are standard

    value of file- id is "stu.dat".

  01 stu-rec.

    02 rno pic 9(3).

    02 name pic x(20).

working-storage section.

01 fs pic x(2) value spaces.

01 ans pic x value space.  

01 ch pic 9 value 0.

procedure division.  


  open i-o stu-file.

  if fs = "30"

      open output stu-file

      close stu-file

      open i-o stu-file.


    display(1 1) erase.

    display(3 5) "Main Menu".

    display(5 5) "1 to Add".

    display(7 5) "2 to Modify".

    display(9 5) "3 to Delete".

    display(11 5) "4 to Exit".

    display(13 5) "Your Choice [1..4] : ".

    accept ch.

    if ch < 0 or ch > 4 go to p-1.

    go to add-para modi-para del-para exit-para

      depending on ch.


    display(1 1) erase.

    display(3 5) "Rno : ".

    accept rno.

    display(5 5) "Name : ".

    accept name.

    write stu-rec invalid key display(15 5) "Error!".

    display(20 5) "Continue Add Records [y/n] : ".

    accept ans.

    if ans = "y" go to add-para else go to p-1.


    display(1 1) erase.

    display(3 5) "Enter Roll no to Modify".

    accept rno.

    read stu- file key is rno 

      invalid key display(13 5) "No Record Found"

            go to c-para.

    display(5 5) "Rno = " rno.

    display(7 5) "Name = " name.

    display(9 5) "Sure to Modify [y/n] : ".

    accept ans.

    if ans  = 'y'

      display(1 1) erase

      display(5 5) "Name : "

      accept name

            rewrite stu-rec.


    display(15 5) "Continue Modification [y/n] : ".

    accept ans.

    if ans = 'y' go to modi-para else go to p-1.


          display(1 1) erase.

    display(3 5) "Enter Roll no to Delete".

    accept rno.

    read stu- file key is rno 

    invalid key display(13 5) "No Record Found"

          go to c-para1.

  display(5 5) "Rno = " rno.

  display(7 5) "Name = " name.

  display(9 5) "Sure to Delete [y/n] : ".

  accept ans.

  if ans  = 'y'

    delete stu- file record.


  display(15 5) "Continue  Deletion  [y/n] : ".

  accept ans.

  if ans = 'y' go to del-para else go to p-1.


  close stu-file.

  stop run.

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