Program for inventory , COBOL Programming

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We have to write a program to update the inventory file. Consider 2 files,viz, invfile an tranfile. Invfile has 3 fields pno,name,qty. Tranfile has 3 fileds tpno,trcode,tqty. By readin tranfile records if trcode=1 then update the qty with qty+tqty in invfile. If trcode=2 the update the qty with qty-tqty in invfile.

 identification division.

  program- id.

  environment division.

  input-output section.


    select invfile assign to disk

    organization is indexed

    access mode is dynamic

    record key is pno

    file status is fs.

    select tranfile assign to disk

    organization is line sequential.

  data division.

  file section.

  fd  invfile

    label records are standard

    value of file- id is "inv.dat".

  01  invrec.

    02 pno  pic 9(5).

    02 name pic x(5).

    02 qty  pic 9(5).

  fd tranfile

  label records are standard

  value of file- id is "tran.dat".

01 tranrec.

  02 tpno  pic 9(5).

  02 trcode pic 9.

  02 tqty    pic 9(5).

working-storage section.

01  ans pic x value space.

01  fs  pic x(2) value spaces.

01  key- in pic x value space.

  procedure division.


    open i-o invfile.

    if fs = "30"

      open output invfile

      close invfile

      open i-o invfile.

    perform g-w-inv until ans = 'n' or 'N'.

    move space to ans.

    open output tranfile.

    perform g-w-tran until ans = 'n' or 'N'.

    close tranfile.

    open input tranfile.


    read tranfile at end go to close-para.

    move tpno to pno.

    read invfile key is pno invalid key 

        display(5 5) "No Record Found for" ; pno

       accept key- in

       go to read-para.

    if trcode = 1 

      add tqty to qty

      rewrite invrec.

    if trcode = 2 

      subtract tqty from qty 

      rewrite invrec.

     go to read-para.


    close invfile tranfile.


  open input invfile.


  read invfile next record at end go to cl-para.

  display(1 1) erase.

  display(3 5) "Part No: " pno.

  display(5 5) "Name : " name.

  display(7 5) "Qty : " qty.

  accept key- in.

  go to r-para.


  close invfile.

  stop run.


  display(1 1) erase.

  display(2 5) "Tran Details ....".

  display(3 5) "Part No: ".

  accept tpno.

  display(5 5) "Trancode : ".

  accept trcode.

  display(7 5) "Quantity : ".

  accept tqty.

  write tranrec.

  display(12 5) "Add more [y/n] :".

  accept ans.

g-w- inv.

  display(1 1) erase.

  display(2 5) "Inven Details....".

  display(3 5) "Part No: ".

  accept pno.

  display(5 5) "Name : ".

  accept name.

  display(7 5) "Quantity : ".

  accept qty.

  write invrec invalid key display(10 5) "Rec Exists!".

  display(12 5) "Add more [y/n] :".

  accept ans.

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