Q. Process of Amplitude Modulation?
In AM the message signal is impressed on the amplitude of the carrier signal. There are several different ways of amplitude modulating the carrier signal by the message signal, each of which results in different spectral characteristics for the transmitted signal. Four methods are:
• Conventional (standard) double-sideband AM
• Double-sideband suppressed-carrier AM
• Single-sideband AM
• Vestigial-sideband AM.
AM, as its name implies, carries the modulating signal x(t) ina time-varying amplitude of the form
a(t) = Ac[1 + mAx(t)]
where the constant Ac stands for the unmodulated carrier amplitude, and mA is the modulation index. The resulting modulated wave is
![1465_Process of Amplitude Modulation.png](https://www.expertsmind.com/CMSImages/1465_Process%20of%20Amplitude%20Modulation.png)
whereas the sinusoidal carrier waveform is given by
c(t) = Ac cos(ωct + φc) = Accos(2πfct + φc)
Sometimes the standard AM signal is expressed in the form of
xc(t) = sAM(t) = [Ac + f(t)] cos(ωct + φc)
in which the total amplitude of the carrier [Ac +f(t)] is a linear function of the message. Figure illustrates the AM waveforms.