Pointers, C/C++ Programming

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In this sub-task will you implement three functions for the final three function prototypes that will do exactly the same as the three functions that you have just written. This time, however, you use pekararitmetik. The aim is for you to practice using the pointer, it is not allowed to use the index to perform operations on the array.

Arrays and pointers are very closely related, an array name can be seen as a constant pointer to first element in an array. Array name array thus corresponds to & array [0], ie the address on the first element in the array. Below is an example of how to print all the values in an array by using pekararitmetik.

void print_array (int * pointer, int size)
int * p;
for (p = pointer; pi <(pointer + size); p + +)
printf ("% d", * pi);

The pointer p is initialized to point to first element in an array. As long as the value of the pointer p is less than the array size increases the value of pi to point to the next element in the array. Print the value of pi points to using the *- operator.

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