Plot the function, MATLAB Programming

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Consider the 3rd order Bessel function J3(x). Write a script findBessRoots.m that computes all the roots of J3(x) in the interval [0; 40]. Your script must store the roots of the function in the variable root as a row array in ascending order. [Hints: Use the builtin Matlab function besselj(3,x) to evaluate J3(x). Plot the function over the speci ed interval to make sure you've found all the roots.]

Test Cases

The test cases given in this assignment should be used to test that your code uses the required format for inputs and outputs, and to test the correctness of your algorithms. These are examples of only some of the possible test cases; you should perform further testing on your own. You will be graded on more than just the test cases given in this assignment.


Submit the following m- les on bSpace. Be sure that the variable names, le names and function declarations are exactly as speci ed, including spelling and case. Submit the m- files individually; do not zip them. If you submit a le more than once, make sure you remove all
but the newest version of the le. Do not save a draft of your assignment after you submit.


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