Picture Information - Raster Graphics and Clipping
Now, the picture information is accumulated in the form of bit plans on which all bit plane complete information of picture is stored and for brightest intensity three bit plane just for simplicity must have one as respective information in the frame buffer, whether it is zero so, the intensity will be the least; several of the intensity combination are given as:

Maximum intensity of a pixel means: the value for that point on all bit planes is one that produces maximum intensity to contain a bit low intensity any one of the bit plane is provided information 0 for such point as:
If picture information is accumulated in two bit planes then possibilities are:
0 0 min. intensity of a point
0 1 medium intensity of a point
1 0 medium intensity of a point
1 1 max intensity of a point
For consequent pixel on screen:
- Each information digit is 0 or 1 for respective bit plane in continuation,
- Each digit constitutes the information for a point in the respective bit plane,
- For two bit planes we have four levels, likewise, three bit planes we have eight levels that is for n bit planes we have 2n levels.
⇒ For n bit plane 2n amount of information is required.
- Through adopting this method of picture information storage, certainly, we can vary the intensity of adopting although extra memory consumption occurs because there may be exists more bit planes.
- For controlling the intensity of the colours, we require a minimum of eight bit planes that is picture information has to have eight digits (0, 1) additionally 28 combinations occur.
- For colours case we require in common 3 e- guns of 3 colours as red, green and blue for picture display along with varying colours.

Figure: Frame Buffer: Colour Variation of a Pixel
As in the above figure we contain 3 bit planes consequently we have three digit numbers. If information in all planes i.e. R, G, B is zero as (0, 0, 0) after that there is no display. Another situation is listed as given below:
no display
Blue display
Green display
Green-blue mix display and so on.
Likewise, for more colours we must have more bit planes and hence more numbers of digits signify more colour combinations.